Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

Rain at 9° Celsius

Well, after it started to melt yesterday... and rained all day today with strong winds, no snow is left anymore :-)

Somehow the weather is weird, one day we are running around with our special ski pants and thick jacket, and then yesterday evening I was outdoors late in the evening with just the pullover and my house shoes... warm... Forecast for the coming days: something like this, some snow followed by rain, dry and warmer temperatures... I have nothing against it, would prefer spring to come right now, as that means we can really get started! :-)

Unfortunately, I was a bit to late to document in pictures a really nice sunset, but here are some good shots:


I am usually no friend of pigeons, but this poor thing was sitting in the tree, completely soaked and was trying to get dried by the last rays of sun... feeling sorry for it a bit...

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